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Curriculum Development, Training, and Tours

Michael Laurie has researched, developed, and presented several talks and classes on water conservation topics. These presentations have included short 1 hour talks and have ranged up to full 8 hour classes for architects, engineers, building managers, and other professionals.

Since 2005 he has regularly opened his home and property for tours for people to learn about sustainability, water conservation, energy conservation, green gardening techniques, green building techniques, medicinal plants, Pacific Northwest native plants, and other topics.

Curriculum Development and Training

Mr. Laurie has spent 15 years developing curriculum and teaching classes in two nationwide sustainability training programs for professionals.

One is the Building Operator Certification Program. Building Operator Certification (BOC®) is a nationally recognized, competency-based training and certification program that offers facilities personnel the improved job skills and knowledge to transform workplaces to be more comfortable, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

The second is the Sustainable Building Advisor. The Sustainable Building Advisor Program is one of the longest running and most effective green building education programs in the industry. They have been providing sustainable building training for professionals in green building strategy since before LEED accreditation was launched. They aim to increase the capacity of green building professionals in the industry by offering a comprehensive program to working professionals. 

In addition, Mr. Laurie teaches conservation and sustainability classes sponsored by utilities.

He has also taught water sustainability classes in Canada and Singapore.


Since 2005, Mr. Laurie has opened up his home and property for public and private tours. People come to learn about and see examples of water and energy conservation, green building, green gardening, medicinal plants, and Pacific Northwest native plants. Some of the tours have included the Ingenuity Tour, Permaculture tour, and others.

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